The period following the Civil War marked a significant turning point for African Americans in the United States. With the expansion of educational opportunities, a self-conscious Black middle class emerged in the later 19th...
Buettner, T. (2015) explores urban estimates and projections at the United Nations in his article "Urban estimates and projections at the United Nations: the strengths, weaknesses and underpinnings of the world urbanization prospects." This...
The civil rights movement of the 1960s was a pivotal time in American history, marked by significant strides towards equality and justice for African Americans. However, within this movement, there were differing opinions on...
During the era of segregation in the South, Black schools played a crucial role in building an environment of success for community children. Educator, activist, and youth worker Derrick R. Brooms highlighted the significance...
Urban Edge Network has recently announced an exclusive partnership with DIRECTV, marking a significant milestone for the digital satellite and multichannel video platform. This new collaboration will see DIRECTV become the sole distributor of...
As the 2024 presidential race heats up, a troubling trend in how liberal media and political figures portray Black men is becoming increasingly evident. Across the political landscape, Black men are facing criticism, scrutiny,...