Indianapolis, Indiana, a city known for its vibrant downtown and the iconic Indianapolis 500, is currently experiencing some interesting shifts in its population dynamics. According to a review from in 2024, the city's...
New York City, often referred to as the Big Apple, is a city that captivates visitors with its endless array of attractions, experiences, and cultural offerings. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, the city...
On Monday evening, the Hip Hop Caucus, a national nonprofit that merges art, activism, and hip-hop culture, celebrated the Green Carpet Premiere of the short film UNDERWATER PROJECTS during Climate Week in New York....
New York City is taking a significant step in education by implementing a new Black Studies curriculum in its public schools from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 as students return this week. This curriculum aims...
"The Forge" is a film that delivers a powerful message of forgiveness, redemption, and community building. As Sister Stephanie Henry, president of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, reflects on her experience watching the...
Improving healthcare requires a multifaceted approach that takes into account various perspectives, including social support, place of residence, and genetics. These three factors play a crucial role in predicting health disorders and ensuring the...