Christopher Paul Curtis is a renowned American author of young people’s literature who was born on May 10, 1953, in Flint, Michigan. He received the prestigious Newbery Medal in 2000, an award given...
In the current landscape of Black communities in America, it is essential for individuals to engage in honest and unfiltered conversations about the state of their economic situation. While there have been individual...
Atlanta’s Oldest Home Hosts Meeting on City’s Comprehensive Development Plan
In a historic gathering at Atlanta’s oldest home, city planners, historic preservationists, and community members came together to discuss “Plan A,” the latest update...
Global cities are urban centers that enjoy significant competitive advantages and serve as hubs within a globalized economic system. The term “global city” originated from research conducted in the 1980s that identified common...
The civil rights movement of the 1960s was a pivotal time in American history, marked by significant progress and challenges. One of the key figures in this movement was Dr. Martin Luther King...
Stephen A. Smith, a prominent sports commentator and cultural critic, recently delivered a compelling monologue on the intricate dynamics surrounding Black conservatives in the United States. His reflections shed light on the stigma,...