The Josephites, a religious order dedicated to serving African American communities, recently celebrated a significant milestone as several of their members made their final professions. In addition to this, eight individuals were instituted as...
The year 2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the historic exhortation “What We Have Seen and Heard” by a group of 10 African-American Catholic bishops in the United States. This milestone is a significant...
The Catfish Row Museum in Vicksburg is set to honor the legacy of the Rosenwald Schools throughout Mississippi with a new project called Vicksburg Voices. This storytelling initiative aims to celebrate the unique stories...
Dear HBCU Graduates,
As we stand at the dawn of the most consequential presidential election in American history, I must confess that I am deeply concerned about the future of American democracy in general and...
The wine industry has long been associated with exclusivity and lack of diversity, but organizations like the Association of African American Vintners (AAAV) are working to change that narrative. In a recent announcement, AAAV...