The California Association of African American Superintendents and Administrators (CAAASA) is a prominent organization comprised of educational leaders from various regions across the state. Their primary mission is to identify and address critical issues...
Dr. Armstead Mason Newman’s story is one of resilience, determination, and leadership in the face of adversity. Born into enslavement in pre-Civil War Virginia, Newman defied the odds and went on to become a...
Florida’s Hidden Black History: The Struggle to Teach African American History in Schools
In the sunshine state of Florida, where palm trees sway and beaches beckon, there lies a buried history of slavery and segregation...
The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) recently released a research report titled “Home Appraisals in Black and White,” shedding light on the disparities in home values based on racial neighborhood composition. The...
In a groundbreaking partnership, Charles Schwab Bank and Project Still I Rise (PSIR) have joined forces to launch a financial education initiative aimed at empowering students to kickstart their investment strategies. This initiative, which...
Renee O’Connor, a teacher at Miami Norland Senior High School, is one of the many educators in Florida who are passionate about providing students with a comprehensive education on African American history. Standing in...