Kean University, located in Union, New Jersey, has recently announced the launch of a groundbreaking initiative aimed at strengthening African American Studies across the state. This initiative comes at a crucial time when issues...
Kimberlé Crenshaw, a prominent scholar and activist, was recently honored with the prestigious W.E.B. Du Bois Medal at a ceremony held by the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University....
The first cohort of CPL trainees at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center (SKCCC) embarked on a journey to develop and implement projects aimed at educating and engaging the community on various aspects of...
In a groundbreaking partnership, CME Outfitters (CMEO) has joined forces with the American Clinical Health Disparities Commission (ACHDC) and the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) to address health disparities within African American communities. This...
Several women community leaders are being honored this Sunday at the third annual Celebrating Women's Empowerment Luncheon Event hosted by Radio One Philadelphia. Among the trailblazers being recognized is the first lady of one...
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have long been recognized as crucibles of excellence, producing some of the world's most influential leaders across various fields. These institutions have played a pivotal role in shaping...