Religion has always played a significant role in the lives of Black Americans, but the relationship between religion and freedom has been complex and often fraught with challenges. Enslaved Africans brought with them their...
The Plano African American Museum is gearing up for their second annual fundraiser, When Food Speaks, which promises to be a night filled with delicious food, entertainment, and friendly competition. Taking place on October...
In a world where negative media often dominates the airwaves, Maurice Gunn, the founder of the Black Faith Network (BFN), is on a mission to combat this trend by creating a platform that uplifts...
NBC BLK is a dedicated section of NBC News that focuses on Black news and culture. This platform provides a space for stories that are often overlooked by mainstream media, highlighting the experiences and...
Brooklyn, now a bustling borough known for its trendy neighborhoods and diverse communities, has a rich history that often goes overlooked. In her book "Brooklynites: The Remarkable Story of the Free Black Communities that...
The Skillman Camp Meetings, a historic gathering of African Americans in New Jersey, are being brought back to life by the African American Museum. This initiative aims to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and...