The documentary "Stories from the Balcony" has recently received a $12,000 grant, but the filmmakers are still in need of donations to complete the project. The documentary, which focuses on the lives of residents...
In a time where literacy rates among students are a growing concern, the success of Black third graders at Warren T. Jackson Elementary in Atlanta is a shining example of what can be achieved...
The city of Los Angeles and the Getty Conservation Institute have embarked on a collaborative project called "African American Historic Places LA" to identify sites with African American cultural significance for consideration as Historic...
Seguin, a city rich in cultural diversity, is set to showcase its history and heritage through a series of mobile art installations. Thanks to a $50,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts...
The National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) has selected Baltimore as the host city for its annual conference, bringing together over 1,500 minority architects from across the country for a five-day summit. The event,...
Gun violence is a pervasive issue in many communities across the United States, disproportionately affecting African American populations. Dr. Tameka L. Gillum, an Associate Professor of Community Health at the University of New Mexico,...