On Saturday, as part of NOTO Live, two powerful exhibits exploring Topeka's African American history were unveiled at the Great Overland Station. Renowned artist Vanessa German collaborated with community members to create the Craving...
Great Overland Station in Topeka, Kansas, is set to reopen two exhibits that showcase the diversity and rich history of the community. As part of Saturday’s NOTO Live festivities, visitors will have the opportunity...
National Arts and Humanities Month in October is a time to celebrate the vital role that the arts and humanities play in connecting communities, promoting inclusion, enhancing well-being, and making a difference in people's...
In today's fast-paced world, staying informed is more important than ever. With the rise of digital media, accessing news and information has never been easier. However, with so many options available, it can be...
For the second year in a row, the Alexandria Library has hosted a "Black Family Reunion," a gathering where families can bring old pictures to help fill historical gaps. This event serves as a...
In 2006, a significant discovery reshaped the local history of African American education in Manatee County. For years, it was believed that Lincoln Academy, established in 1930, was the first school for African Americans...